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Coilhose Pneumatics TYP-TK01 Typhoon Blow Gun Adapter KitProduct InformationCoilhose Pneumatics TYP-TK01 Typhoon Blow Gun Adapter Kit • Kit Includes the following: Typhoon blow gun adaptor (HFN-ADP, 5 blow gun tips), 3 different needle tips (SNT-2, SNT-3, SNT-4), safety rubber tip (SAT13) and standard rubber tip (ST16) • This Kit Includes the Following Coilhose Pneumaticss Items: Typhoon Blow Gun Adapter: HFN-ADP & 5 Blow Gun Tips: 3 Different Needle Tips: SNT-2, SNT-3, & SNT-4 and 2 Rubber Tips: Safety Rubber Tip: SAT13 & Standard Rubber Tip: ST16. Other Item Details