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DAP 08642 Silicone Multi-Purpose Sealant - Black 9.8-oz CartridgeProduct InformationDAP 08642 Silicone Multi-Purpose Sealant - Black 9.8-oz Cartridge • Black Silicone 100% Silicone Sealant 9.8 oz • Long-lasting flexibilty, excell. adhesion. Provides weatherproof, watertight seal. • Resists cracking, crumbling and chalking. Interior/exterior use. • 50 Year Durability Guarantee. • Meets Federal Specification TT-S-001543A, Class A Superior quality, multi-purpose sealant. Offers long-lasting flexibilty and excellent adhesion. Provide a weatherproof, watertight seal. Resists cracking, crumbling and chalking. Interior/exterior use. 50 Year Durability Guarantee. Meets Federal Specification TT-S-001543A, Class A. Other Item Details
Material Safety Data Sheet