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DAP 18200 Alex Ultra Anti Shrink Latex Sealant - White 10.1 ozProduct InformationDAP 18200 Alex Ultra Anti Shrink Latex Sealant - White 10.1 oz • Paint ready in 15 minutes, Anti-Shrink Technology • Strong Multisurface Adhesion, Won't shine through or discolor paint • Easy water clean-up • white, Low odor ALEX ULTRA Advanced Latex Sealant is a high performing acrylic latex sealant that offers exceptional performance for the Pro Painter. With Anti-Shrink technology, it is designed to shrink less, creating a more durable long-lasting seal that won't crack after painted. It can be brush painted in just 15 minutes after application or spray painted immediately for improved productivity. This low shrink, durable, flexible sealant applies smoothly & easily, is low in odor, and doesn't pick up dirt. It has superior adhesion to a wide variety of surfaces, provides a 100% waterproof seal. Backed by a Lifetime Guarantee. Exceeds ASTM Specification C834. Interior and exterior use. Other Item Details
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