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DAP 18806 FIRE STOP Fire-Rated Silicone Sealant - Limestone Gray 10.1-oz CartridgeProduct InformationDAP 18806 FIRE STOP Fire-Rated Silicone Sealant - Limestone Gray 10.1-oz Cartridge • Light Gray FIRE STOP Fire-Rated Silicone Sealant 10.1 oz • Meets ASTM E-814/UL 1479 and UL 2079 specifications. • Classified for sealing fire-rated non-combustible service penetrations. • and construction joints in horizontal and vertical fire separations. • Elastomeric - capable of +-25% movement in a fire-rated joint. Meets ASTM E-814/UL 1479 and UL 2079 specifications. Classified for sealing fire-rated non-combustible service penetrations and construction joints in horizontal and vertical fire separations. Elastomeric - capable of +-25% movement in a fire-rated joint. Other Item Details
Material Safety Data Sheet