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DAP 18810 Premium Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant - White 10.1-oz CartridgeProduct InformationDAP 18810 Premium Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant - White 10.1-oz Cartridge • White Premium Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 10.1 oz. • A one-part, moisture-curing, fast skinning commerical grade sealant. • Provides a permanent, waterproof seal when filling exterior gaps, joints, cracks. • Remains permanently flexible. Paintable. 50 year durability guarantee. • Meets or exceeds Federal Spec. TT-S 00230C, Class A, ASTM C-920, Class 25. A one-part, moisture-curing, commercial grade sealant. Specially formulated to provide a permanent, waterproof seal when filling exterior gaps, joints and cracks. This high performance sealant offers superior adhesion to a variety of substrates and remains permanently flexible. Paintable. 50 year durability guarantee. Meets or exceeds Federal Spec TT-S 00230C, Type II, Class A and ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25. Ideal for use on doors, windows, sidings, ducts and vents. Other Item Details
Material Safety Data Sheet