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DAP 7565010012 Touch'N Foam FireBreak Flame Resistant Sealant - 12-ozProduct InformationDAP 7565010012 Touch'N Foam FireBreak Flame Resistant Sealant - 12-oz • Fills & seals service penetrations • Class A fire resistant • UL tested • Approved fireblock penetration sealant • Meets UL 1715, UL 94 V-O, modified ASTM E814 Other fireblock foams are available, but they merely meet minimum testing standards. Touch 'n Foam Fire Break is a flame-resistant all-purpose, Class A fire-retardant foam sealant that exceeds testing standards. Fire Break is self-extinguishing and works by eliminating oxygen flow in service penetrations, where fire spreads most quickly. Using Fire Break in these penetrations blocks air infiltration, which means fire will take longer to burn through to adjoining rooms, giving you valuable time to get to safety. Other Item Details
Material Safety Data Sheet