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DAP 89312 Dynaflex 920 Premium Exterior Elastomeric Sealant - Clear (BE312) 10-ozProduct InformationDAP 89312 Dynaflex 920 Premium Exterior Elastomeric Sealant - Clear (BE312) 10-oz • Exterior use • Color matched to the most popular siding colors • Provides a long-lasting elastomeric seal which helps prevent water and air intrusion • Price For: Each Full Cure: 14 days Item: Sealant Application Temp. Range: 20 Degrees to 120 Degrees F Adhesive Grouping: Sealant Performance Temp. Range: -35 Degrees to 350 Degrees F Sealant Container: Cartridge Begins to Harden: 5 min. • For Use On: Concrete, Masonry, Metal, Wood Sealant Base: Hybrid Meets: ASTM C920 Application: Siding, Windows, Doors, Concrete Joints, Concrete Cracks A high performance, elastomeric sealant developed for professional siding, window and trim installations. Provides a long-lasting elastomeric seal which helps prevent water and air intrusion. An extensive offering of colors provides an aesthetically appealing finished look to any installation, but also can be painted if necessary. Can be applied in most weather conditions and will not wash away when exposed to rain prior to full cure. Other Item Details
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