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Milwaukee 49-22-1129 The Ultimate Demolition Kit 12 Sawzall Blades in 5 Sizes and PouchProduct InformationMilwaukee 49-22-1129 The Ultimate Demolition Kit 12 Sawzall Blades in 5 Sizes and Pouch • Two 48-00-5021, two 48-00-5026, two 48-00-5701, four 48-00-5782, & two 48-00-5787 individual blades • 1 in. height • .042 in. and .062 in. thick for tough applications • Includes storage pouch Specially designed kit featuring 12 of Milwaukee's most popular demolition blades. The kit includes 6 inch and 9 inch AX 5/8 TPI blades for cutting nail embedded wood, 6 inch WRECKER 8 TPI blades for general purpose cutting of composition materials, and 6 inch and 9 inch 14 TPI metal cutting blades. Kit includes a canvas pouch for storing blades between use. Other Item Details