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Pico 0099A 0.25 oz Clear Dielectric Grease Tubes 50 TubesProduct InformationPico 0099A 0.25 oz Clear Dielectric Grease Tubes 50 Tubes • 1/4 oz Tube Clear Dielectric Grease • Protects Against Arching & Corrosion • Helps Keep Moisture out of Sensitive Electrical Connections • Does Not Interfere With Conductivity Pico 0099A 0.25 oz Clear Dielectric Grease Tubes 50 Tubes. Handy Re-Sealable & Re-Usable Clam Package. Package has the most commonly used 16-14 Gauge Blue Vinyl Insulated Butt Connectors, #10 Stud Rings & Spades and Male & Female Quick Connects. Full instructions on package back for stripping and crimping the terminals. A good starter selection for the Do-It-Yourself individual. Other Item Details