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Pico 0685T 6 to 4/0 Gauge Battery Lug Crimping ToolProduct InformationPico 0685T 6 to 4/0 Gauge Battery Lug Crimping Tool • Crimps Battery and Lug Terminals • 6 to 4/0 Gauge • Use with Vise or Hammer • Designed to Prevent Over Crimping Pico 0685T 6 to 4/0 Gauge Battery Lug Crimping Tool. When a Battery Terminal is just too tight to fit on the battery post the Terminal Spreader is just the tool to enlarge the opening without damaging the terminal. Battery Terminal Spreader has a tapered design to fit both positive and negative battery terminals. Insert Tool into Battery Terminal and squeeze to enlarge and spread the Terminal opening. Terminal Spreader can also be used as a cleaning tool by twisting inside the terminal opening to clean off any corrosion. Other Item Details