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Pico 0847PT 6 oz. Bulb Style Battery Filler 1 Per PackageProduct InformationPico 0847PT 6 oz. Bulb Style Battery Filler 1 Per Package 6 ounce Fill 6" Spout Pico 0847PT 6 oz. Bulb Style Battery Filler 1 Per Package. Quick Disconnect solves problem of battery drain during storage, and also is a theft deterrent. Loosening knob and sliding connector apart disconnects battery to preserve battery life during storage. Complete removal of knob gives theft protection. Replacing and tightening knob reconnects battery. Quick Disconnect replaces current Negative Post Battery Terminal. Easy install by disconnecting & removing current Negative Terminal and Cable End. Loosen cable plate, strip cable end, insert cable and tighten plate. Mount Quick Disconnect back to Negative Terminal and tighten knob to reconnect battery. Cast lead construction of terminal gives long life to the connection. Other Item Details