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Pico 0975PT Assorted Pack of 8 ATC-ATO Fuses and Fuse PullerProduct InformationPico 0975PT Assorted Pack of 8 ATC-ATO Fuses and Fuse Puller • ATC-ATO Fuses • Includes 1 each of 3, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 amp fuses • Pico 0975PT Assorted Pack of 8 ATC-ATO Fuses and Fuse Puller. Quick and easy install with no cutting or stripping of circuit wire. Locate where holder is to be installed, insert wire into connector, crimp down on contacts and snap connector closed. Insert an ATC/ATO Blade Fuse into newly formed Fuse Holder. Other Item Details