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Pico 6868PT LiteMate Vehicle to Trailer Wiring Kit Will fit 1995-2000 Ford Explorer, 2001-2003 Ford Escape and Mazda Tribute, 1997-2000 Mercury Mountaineer (All Vehicles w/o Tow Package)Product InformationPico 6868PT LiteMate Vehicle to Trailer Wiring Kit Will fit 1995-2000 Ford Explorer, 2001-2003 Ford Escape and Mazda Tribute, 1997-2000 Mercury Mountaineer (All Vehicles w/o Tow Package) • Plug-In Simple! Wiring Kit: No cutting, No splicing - Saves time • Ford Explorer without tow package, 1995-2000 • Will fit: Ford Escape without tow package 2001-2003 • Will fit: Mazda Tribute without tow package 2001-2003 Complete System for Vehicle-to-Trailer Wiring Assembly for Vehicles with Rear Factory Electrical Connectors. Utilizes OEM connectors- enhanced fit and weatherproofing. Uses a power taillight converter for vehicle electronic protection. Corrosion resistant terminals. Power lead wire ran directly from the battery for isolation and brighter trailer taillights. Includes power lead wire, fuse assembly, dust cover, bag of ny-ties, splice connectors, ground screw, and grease packet. Supersedes 7868. Other Item Details