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Tajima HKB-50B HOOK Blade Extra-Thick, Extra-Hard, Large Hook Format in 50 Blade Safety DispenserProduct InformationTajima HKB-50B HOOK Blade Extra-Thick, Extra-Hard, Large Hook Format in 50 Blade Safety Dispenser • Large Hook format, designed for roofing and flooring professionals • Extra thick, extra hard tempered carbon steel for superior strength and cutting edge life • Precise, multi-step sharpened and buffed around the entire curvature of the hook • In 50-blade safety dispenser HOOK Blade Extra-Thick, Extra-Hard, Large Hook Format - Extra thick, extra hard premium carbon steel blades in Large Hook format designed for roofing and flooring professionals. Multi-step sharpened and buffed all around the inside curvature of the hook ensures dependable slicing and cutting regardless of blade angle. Other Item Details