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Titan Casters 4136455 Caster Gate Swivel 8" 3131 PneumaticProduct InformationTitan Casters 4136455 Caster Gate Swivel 8" 3131 Pneumatic • Smooth Ride - Air-filled tires absorb uneven terrain, more stability for loads. Less bumping and shaking • Better Traction, Control - Rugged tread provides more grip, roll easier, gentler to lawns and able to roll over minimal obstacles • Safe For Multiple Surfaces - Perfect for carpet, tile, concrete and wood; shock-absorbing and quieter operation • Dimensions - Overall Height: 9. 85" Wheel Diameter: 8" Load Capacity: 310 lbs • Pack Includes: (1) 8" Pneumatic Rubber Tire, Swivel Top Plate, Black Titan Casters 4136455 Caster Gate Swivel 8" 3131 Pneumatic Other Item Details