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Wolo 496 E-Z Horn Cordless Handheld Electronic HornProduct InformationWolo 496 E-Z Horn Cordless Handheld Electronic Horn Generates powerful warning sound Ergonomically designed Nylon hand wrist wrap ensures positive hand grip during extreme weather conditions Feature quick release stainless steel belt clip Highly reliable and durable E-Z Horn is a new powerful hand held electronic horn. With a simple press of the trigger button, the E-Z Horn emits a powerful ear piercing warning sound. Ergonomically designed, the handgrip is comfortable to hold and is non-slip. A standard 9-volt battery powers the horn, (not included). The E-Z Horn also has a spare battery compartment that can store one 9-volt battery as a back up, assuring the user of always having a working horn when needed in any emergency condition. No expensive cans of gas needed. The E-Z Horn also comes with a quick release stainless steel belt clip and by pressing the tab on the belt clip the E-Z Horn is released and ready to use. A nylon hand lanyard hand wrist strap is provided to ensure a positive handgrip in the toughest environment. Other Item Details